Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Allir sem halda að hybrid bílar séu lausn almmenings við gróðurhúsaáhrifum ættu að lesa cracked.com:

Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid vehicles, with their part-electrical, part-gasoline engines are a sort of compromise for people who care about fuel consumption, but aren't going to go all-out for some hippie contraption that has to be plugged in for eight hours before you can drive it. Ask any hybrid owner why they own one, and you'll likely hear a variety of answers like "to save the environment," "to reduce our dependence on foreign oil," and "to drive Dick Cheney back into the sea from whence he came."

Root Problems:
Hysterical, possibly Gore-fueled overestimation of value.

The problem with hybrid cars isn't what they can do, it's what people think they can do. Realistically, a hybrid car will get roughly 20-30 percent better gas mileage than a similarly sized normal car. It turns out they don't perform as well in the real world as in the lab, and the talk of 55 miles to the gallon for hybrids was pretty much bullshit ( the Toyota Prius' gas mileage was knocked back from 55 to 46 MPG by the EPA). Sure, those numbers are still light years ahead of the customized Escalades issued to the Cracked staff ...

...but don't blow away the numbers for regular ol' economy cars that cost $5,000 less.

As far as environmental impact, don't forget the manufacturing process. Just by insisting on buying a new car instead of keeping your old one, you added 27 tons of waste to the environment. It's more so for a hybrid, since their enormously powerful batteries don't grow on trees, perhaps due to an oversight on the part of God. They have to be built and shipped around the planet, creating waste every step of the way.

We're pretty level-headed here at Cracked, and generally agree that mankind should never harm the planet, except possibly in self defense. So, we applaud the goal of improving fuel economy in vehicles. But if you buy a hybrid, don't fool yourself into thinking you're single handedly saving Earth. You're maybe helping a bit, but if the planet's ever going to be saved, it will require a concerted effort from everyone, including consumers, businesses, governments and, most importantly, Batman."



Unknown said...

já ég hef heyrt álíka umræðu áður og þetta ætti svosem ekki aðkoma manni á óvart. Auðvita er verið að plata okkur með einhverri snilldar markaðssetningu.... það er ekki eins og þetta væri eina dæmið um slíkt

Jökull Sólberg Auðunsson said...

Skemmtilegur South Park þátturinn þar sem allir á hybrid bíl voru óþolandi ánægðir með sjálfan sig og hrokafullir. Það þekkja allir svona "grænan" gæja sem er svona ánægður og hrokafullur.

Gudmundur K. Jonsson said...

Þetta er samt svo eitraður hugsunarháttur. ,,Fyrst að mitt framlag skiptir hvort sem er ótrúlega litlu máli, þá er bara best að sleppa þessu"
Með þessa pælingu að leiðarljósi þá breytist aldrei neitt.
Margt smátt gerir eitt stórt, það er beisik pæling...